It's no secret that browsing websites with particularly bright color schemes late at night can be an uncomfortable experience.

Not only can these websites cause eyestrain, but some users find that the bright colors can negatively impact their sleep quality, especially if they tend to bring their devices to bed.

This is one of the main reasons many popular services and websites now offer a dark mode feature. For example, YouTube has rolled out their "dark theme" feature to both desktop and mobile (iOS) users over the past year or so.

The latest website to chase this trend is Reddit. The company on Friday announced their own "Night Mode" feature, which works pretty much exactly like YouTube's solution. Once you turn on Night Mode, Reddit's default white color scheme will be inverted, and any black text will convert to white or light grey text.

If you're using Reddit's new redesign, accessing the feature is pretty straightforward; just tap your profile name in the top right corner and toggle the Night Mode option in the drop-down menu.

If you don't want to use Reddit's new redesign, but you'd still like access to a Night Mode-like feature, the Reddit Enhancement Suite browser extension offers virtually the same functionality within its own settings menu.