Apple's yearly iPhone launches have become global events which some leverage for personal gain. Last year, for example, people began lining up outside Apple's flagship store in New York City before the Cupertino-based company even announced the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.

While some early line occupants were no doubt diehard fans, others were professional line-sitters. Whether by selling their place in line or promoting a product or service, money was the driving force for several.

Apple is expected to sell even more new iPhones during opening weekend this year than it did in 2014, largely due to the fact that China is now included in launch day festivities. Even still, there seems to be less hype (fewer crazy stories) around this year's new batch of phones - or so I thought.

In line at Apple's flagship store in Sydney, Australia is Lucy Kelly... well, sort of. Kelly has dispatched an iPad-based telepresence robot (also named Lucy) to hold her place in line (she's fourth in line). That seems like a great idea, no? Only time will tell as it's unclear if the Apple store will treat her robot the same as being there and thus, allow her to purchase a phone.

As you probably guessed, this is yet another publicity stunt as Kelly works for a media agency called Atomic 212. Her employer owns several of the robots and allowed her to use one to hold a place in line so she could continue to work from the office as usual.

With any luck, the robot will have better hands than this butterfinger from last year.