Thanks to everyone for reviving the Windows 8 discussion thread and congratulations to Marnomancer for winning our giveaway! As promised, we'll buy a license as soon as preorders open, which should hopefully be soon. Although most of you share obvious concerns over the usability of Metro on a desktop PC, many of you are either happy with the new interface or you're willing to give it a fair shot, particularly if Microsoft succeeds at establishing rich integration between Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8.

Create a new TechSpot account with your Facebook or Login credentials.

On a quick site update, we wanted to mention that you can now log in to TechSpot with your Twitter or Facebook accounts. If you are a regular reader and thus likely already have a TechSpot account, it doesn't change anything. However, new visitors coming to TechSpot for the first or second time may feel more compelled to participate and comment if they have a quicker way to register using third party credentials (and without requiring to create yet another account online).

Last but not least, news comments are finally back on TechSpot's mobile site. After a brief hiatus, you can now login, read and post news comments from your smartphone. The mobile forum is still in the works, but hopefully it won't be too long until it's done.