When we launched TechSpot's mobile site (m.techspot.com) ten months ago our goal was to mirror the experience and many of the features we offer on the main site. I'm glad to share today the response has been overwhelming. The site's usage has grown exponentially in such short timespan, and this past December we received a record 230,000 visitors!

Our smartphone-friendly destination is now serving thousands of readers daily who come to read the latest happenings in tech and personal computing. According to our stats, iPhone and Android users dominate access with a roughly even share of 44% users coming from either platform.

Today we are announcing a small refresh to the site, adding a few visual tweaks including a new drop down menu which let's you more easily browse the site and the different sections. A majority of TechSpot's content is available whether it's news, reviews or forum discussions. The site is fully functional meaning you can login to post a comment or reply to a forum thread, and content is searchable as well.

We are adding the Product Finder to the mix, so you can look up and research devices and tech products while on the go. Kudos once again to our front-end developer, Mario Estrada who came through with such a nice revamp.